Plenty! We are happy things have slowed down a bit, yet there are still a few things happening at our garden as we move forward. We have planted veggie seedlings from cucumbers to the watermelon plant donated by the lovely Sandy (she likes to squirt me with the hose). At this point we have to give these plants more TLC as they are not growing as fast or looking as healthy as we'd like. So, we ordered some organic, Atlantic fish emulsion (AKA fish poo), laid down hay on top of the soil to hold more moisture for the plants, and are watering the plants more. We have been told they need more nitrogen.
A change of plans as well with the herb garden area. The seeds did not grow so now we will be planting more veggies, flowers and other perennials until next spring, thanks to a Baltimore City seed and plant giveaway. I for one, will not be giving up on growing herbs, especially since I'm the resident Medicine Woman.
The shade garden is looking just swell! We used leftover concrete from the plot as a border and Shari laid down grass clippings to give the area a bit more attractiveness and cohesiveness. Funny, all of the perennials planted are purple when in flower. It looks quite lovely (pics will be posted very soon).
The fence is almost completely installed and we will have a few entrances, one of which will be handicap accessible.
We have two compost bins cooking and let me tell you, it is f-u-n-k-y in that area for various reasons and all of them don't have to do with the cooking compost bins. :-)
We are still working around Mr. Berger and the area where he continues to feed his cats. We saw feces in one raised bed once and sprinkled loose herbal teas in the beds, as well as laid down branches and twigs on the unused beds to deter the cats from putting their cute little feet in there. Up to this point, it seems to be working, although we pause every now and then after smelling what cannot be defined as friendly compost material or the au naturalness of Mother Earth. Let's keep hope alive, shall we?
We are also adding perennials and small shrubs to the border of the garden, which will look very nice!
With the help of Mike, our resident horticulturalist, we will be designing a labyrinth that incoporates more unused concrete/mosaic tile, and plants.
Essence is doing most of the grunt work (maybe it's sounds of joy) for the acquisition of grant monies, and we were blessed to receive a grant thus far that went toward buying organic soil and other things used in the garden.
In the art of gardening, some things occur with ease and other things we are still learning as we go. It is better to jump in making a dream come true versus just sitting and doing nothing. Onward we march!
Look for more pics very soon! We leave you in joy and peace!