Friday, May 29, 2009

Construction and Planting Days! *grin

Construction Days

Location: 4001 Southern Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21206 at the corner of Southern and Schley Avenues in Waltherson

When: Saturday June 13, 2009
Time: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Rain date: Sunday June 14, same time
Please bring gloves and wear sturdy shoes.

We will be positioning the vegetable raised beds mainly and filling them with newspaper, hay, and organic soil. We will also erect posts for fencing. We can only set the posts as the concrete we will use to keep them in place must sit overnight.

Planting Days (vegetable plants into the raised beds)

When: Sunday June 14, 2009
Time: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Rain date: Monday, June 15
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Please bring gloves and wear sturdy shoes.

*Panting days are on both Sunday and Monday, rain allowing.

We want to make a weekday available to volunteers as you can see. Children 12 and over are welcome. We hope to see you there! Rain? Pshaw! Not on our plot! :-)

We will flyer the neighborhood this Sunday, May 31st. We estimate we will need 15 volunteers, not inlcuding the core group.

Questions? Contact: 443-220-3053 or 410-485-3037


May 21, 6:30 p.m. - 8
May 27, 6:30 p.m. - 8

On May 21st's meeting, we had the pleasure of having Sandy and Mike present. Sandy and Mike live in the neighborhood and have taken interest in the creation of Unity Urban Garden. During both meetings we began to really cement into place the construction of the garden.

During the meeting we had on May 21st we discussed different resources to obtain possible wholesale construction materials such as for fencing and the shed. We discussed what type of fence we would like and types of borders. Yes, we have decided to install a very short fence that will still be inviting and pleasing to the eye. The fence will probably be of natural material like wood and be no more than 3' - 4' high.

At the suggestion of Shari' and we all agree, we would like to have at least one raised bed be accessible to persons in a wheelchair. This will be located at the front of the plot, close to the intersecion of Schley and Southern Avenues.

During the meeting we had on May 27th Mike attended and we went even deeper into aspects of construction of the garden. Mike will be leading the construction of the fence and has kindly offered to allow us to use A LOT of his tools, in addition to going on garden shopping trips with us. He really is a delight to have around.

We are still waiting on the city to get free mulch and wood chips. These will be used for walkways and filling in areas.

GOOD NEWS as well! We received a grant from the Waltherson Association and two donations from Kwame El and Adele Linsalata! Thanks a lot to all of you. The money will be spent wisely.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.

What had a great meeting this day. We met at the plot in order to lay down more of the soft tarp-like material onto planting areas to decrease weed regrowth. A very nice gentleman, Mike that lives in the neighborhood, came to introduce himself to us. When he very calmly told us he was a horticulturist with over 30 years of experience in gardening and gardening landscaping we were ecstatic to say the least!

It is so wonderful when we are at the plot working and people just walk up and introduce themselves with the intention of assisting us, and to tell us how great they think our endeavor is. Like I mentioned before, we learn much about the neighborhood and its workings and history from these very people. So, we talked to Mike for quite some time, and will most definitely be receiving more of his knowledge about design, gardening, landscaping, and whatever else we can learn! Then, Sandy, a very nice woman that lives in the neighborhood and interestingly enough, seems to always drive by when we are at the plot, stopped by to lend a helping hand and share her thoughts.

2nd Clean-up Day

Saturday, May 9, 2009, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Things went splashingly well! We had one volunteer, Peggy that came and boy, did she work! She was a great help to us and was very friendly. Thanks Peggy! On this day we pulled weeds, moved soil to areas that had to be filled in versus just throwing it away, picked up debris, moved leftover pieces of concrete, and laid a soft tarp-like material in areas where the raised beds will be to decrease the regrowth of weeds. The day was quite lovely and took place after long bouts of rainfall in Baltimore so as you will see from the pictures below, we were almost ankle deep in mud! The soil is very clay-like and it was very easy to get bogged down in it.

Peggy hard at work. She was amazing, because she could hold a conversation and work hard at the same time! :-)

Unstoppable Shari'. She is our Energizer Bunny!

The mud I wrote about.

Mud was not going to stop us!

Covering to keep weeds out. We will probably adopt another way of keeping down weeds before the plants are planted. In addition, the mud has hardened to the point where we doubt anything will grow before Construction Day.

Rough Draft of Garden Design


Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 6:30 p.m.-7:45 p.m.

Of course, we talked about design during this meeting. It is all about design at the moment. We also discussed Construction Day including fencing/protection of the garden while still allowing it to be inviting, recruiting volunteers for Construction Day, 2nd Clean-up Day, and our list of needs for the garden.

One thing that is a blessing with the three of us working together is that things flow well. We always respect each other and allow each other to voice opinions. I (Shel) have noticed even if we may not necessarily agree with each other on how something should be done, sometimes we may not say we do not agree, and it is not really a big deal as things still work out very well. Being a part of the creation of this garden is allowing us to learn so much about ourselves and others.

I believe some of these things are realized and unrealized at this point. The goal is to be steadfast to completion and take this initiative to another level, spreading the love and education about self empowerment and the enormous potential for total self sufficiency for ourselves and the community. At the root of it all, the betterment of ourselves and the community is the most important thing.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Equipment/Monetary Donations for Garden

We need gently used or new:

1 medium sized shed
1-2 benches
4-5 trellises (rustproof/or resistant and treated with non-phytoxic material; not phytoxic to plants)

Medium sized work table

Organic soil ~ we have 15, 3x12 raised beds, and the interior and exterior garden to manage and support. Composting will help, but that will take time. We estimate it will cost $275-$350.

15-20 seed trays/other type containers to grow plants and herbs
2-3 shovels
2-3 spades
1-2 spading forks
2-3 hoes
2 hammers
2-3 garden rakes
2-3 lawn rakes
3-4 trowels
2 diggers
1 rotary tiller
3-4 pruners
1 lopping shears
1 pruning saw
1 hedge shears
1 wheelbarrow (2 would be even better but this depends on space in our shed)

~ Unity's 2nd Clean-up Day Announcement

Please help us in our second phase of clean-up to prepare planting for our garden. We have had the land tilled this past Friday and we need your help in clearing away leftover debris. If possible, please bring rakes, shovels and gloves. If you live in the neighborhood, please feel free to stop by during the week and pile large weeds/grass by the back fence.

When: Saturday, May 9, 2009
Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Location: Waltherson Community (northeast Baltimore)
Street: 4001 Southern Avenue (the empty lot at the corner of Schley Avenue)
City: Baltimore, 21206

Tilling and Conditioning the Soil

Good news! Civic Works came this past Friday, May 1st, and along with tilling the soil they conditioned it as well! We originally thought we would have to clean up all of the clumps of grass and weeds ourselves then they would come back to condition, but they did it all! Give thanks for that! It looks great! They even leveled the plot off. I am trying to make the pictures bigger but Blogger is not acting right. :-)

~Community Greening Resources Network Membership Letter

~Baltimore's Flower Mart

Flower Mart was this past Saturday, May 2nd. Here is what Shari' picked up, and they are all perennials that bloom. We love bloom!

Phlox "Mary Helen" (two of these)
Verbena "Homestead Purple"
Aquilegia "Nana Alba"
Scabiosa "Butterfly Blue"


Thursday, April 30, 6:20 -7:45 p.m.

This day we discussed various topics from fundraising, grant deadlines, linking up with more community associations, ordering seeds, Baltimore's Flower Mart Day this past Saturday , location of plants in the garden (thanks Shari' for your lovely drawing :-))/design of the garden. We have contacts of resources that will give us free mulch and wood chips, which is fantastic. We now know it will cost somewhere around $275-$350 for organic soil. Yes we will be composting. It will take time to use the rich Black Gold, as Shari' very appropriately calls it, from composting.

We met at the plot before sitting down to talk to move our raised beds that were delivered so the tillers would have free reign, as they were scheduled to come Friday. The raised beds are HUGE (3x12), so we are thinking to stack them in twos, which would mean even better soil in the long run. Most of the raised beds will be used for the veggie garden, and we are thinking to possibly do a different type of raised bed for the herb garden.

Here are pics of the raised beds.