We need gently used or new:
1 medium sized shed
1-2 benches
4-5 trellises (rustproof/or resistant and treated with non-phytoxic material; not phytoxic to plants)
Medium sized work table
Organic soil ~ we have 15, 3x12 raised beds, and the interior and exterior garden to manage and support. Composting will help, but that will take time. We estimate it will cost $275-$350.
15-20 seed trays/other type containers to grow plants and herbs
2-3 shovels
2-3 spades
1-2 spading forks
2-3 hoes
2 hammers
2-3 garden rakes
2-3 lawn rakes
3-4 trowels
2 diggers
1 rotary tiller
3-4 pruners
1 lopping shears
1 pruning saw
1 hedge shears
1 wheelbarrow (2 would be even better but this depends on space in our shed)