Thursday, August 19, 2010

Creating UUG's Sign

Unity Urban Garden is thriving and so are the weeds! We keep telling ourselves it points to how healthy the soil is. :-) We have much produce growing including okra, cucs, parsley, melons, tomatoes, sage, chamomile, echinacea, chives, etc. We are in the process of having two signs created by two youths. They have come out and braved the relentlessness of the mosquitoes and the heat on several occasions. We thank them. Our next goals are to complete our fence and get a handle on the weeds. We attempted to plant peanuts but they didn't grow. Better luck next time!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Latest at UUG

UUG has some things going on. We will update with current pictures very soon. We have about 4 rain barrels installed and about 6 raised beds going with herbs, veggies and fruit. The melon patches are taking up two raised beds and we started strawberry seedlings for next yr. Herbs we have growing include Calendula, chamomile, yarrow, Echinacea p., thyme, sage and lavender. We’re very happy that everything seems to be thriving and we have companion planted in some raised beds. We love seeing beneficial insects as it means we're doing something right!

The latest projects in addition to getting the rain barrels installed is designing and putting our UUG sign in place. We have to have this grant project done before we apply with the same organization for another grant at the end of July. We must engage the help of the youth as well.

The garden has had some issues with feral cats, one in particular we believe, defecating in our beds, so we built some caged wire around the beds and have been having less issues now. We like to do things to deter possibly challenges in the physical and work with the nature spirits, angels and guides to assist us, especially when we’re not there.

We have many beautiful flower perennials growing and it is truly very beautiful to see how far we have come thus far. The garden is not where we’d like it to be, but we and the garden are works in progress. In looking at the garden just last year we have most definitely come a long way.

Projects we have in mind after finishing up the present ones are to install a therapeutic labyrinth and get a shed. It’s imperative that we get a shed because it’s difficult at times with the tools being available to all of us and scheduling if someone has the tools but can’t be at the garden, where to put the tools, etc.

Pictures will be posted soon!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A plant spirit buddy that was ready to work!

Shel installing wind chimes to welcome the elemental wind spirits.

Black gold.

We love our worms.

We have amended the soil and have begun to put our veggie and herb seedlings for companions in our raised beds. It's not exactly easy prepping soil. We used organic soil, compost and bone meal. Check back for other pics as we continue. Tues. we'll be prepping an herb raised bed. Our herb seedlings are doing very well and are ready to go into their permanent homes.


Essence sifting the compost.


We've added more seedlings since this pic was taken.

Rain Barrel Update